
We stock unique second hand books. Genres include: literature, art & design, photography, travel writing, biography, popular fiction, popular crime, history, war, journalism. A children's and young adults section caters for younger readers.  Browse our vintage and collectibles section where you can find interesting, hard to find books.

Sell Your Books

Our book buying service is currently closed It will reopen on Monday the 10th of February. If you would like to bring your books in after this date, please book an appointment by emailing [email protected].
Are your bookshelves overflowing? We can buy some of your books, as long as they are in saleable condition. Our buyer is usually in the store on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Drop-in appointments are available, but we recommend calling or emailing in advance so that we can advise you on whether or not we will be able to buy your books at that time. Due to limited space in the store, we are unable to buy certain books.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 02 9380 6617

We are currently seeking:

  • Recent popular fiction
  • Comics
  • Horror
  • Fantasy
  • Science fiction
  • Music Biographies/Memoirs
  • Letter Collections and Journals
  • Music
  • Philosophy
  • Self-help
  • Mythology
  • History (especially Aboriginal, New Zealand, Indian African, World War I)
  • Sport

We currently WILL NOT take:

  • General Biographies/Memoirs
  • Antiques and collecting
  • Crime Fiction
  • Children's and YA Fiction
  • Historical Fiction
  • Travel guide books
  • World History
  • British History
  • Asian History
  • Economics
  • Health

Blind Date with a Book

For those of you who struggle to choose a book: why not let us choose for you? Our "blind date with a book" packages are pre-wrapped to make them a mystery to the buyer. A few clues on the front are the only indications as to what these books might be. You can find our current selection of blind dates across from the counter at the entrance to the café.

A Book Just For You ($16)
Do you want a book tailored to you? Send an email to [email protected] outlining the following:

  • Genre (e.g. romance, historical fiction, fantasy)
  • Characteristics (e.g. female lead, enemies to lovers, moving, Australian, 18th century)

Our bookseller will try to find a book that suits your description and wrap it for you. Payment will be processed when you pick up your book. 
